Low-cost carrier Wizz Air will add a new route from Bucharest to Leipzig, Germany


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Wizz Air Hungary, the leading European low-cost carrier, will add a new route, linking Romanian capital Bucharest to east German town of Leipzig.

Direct flights operated by Wizz Air between Bucharest and Leipzig will be available starting with June 4th and can already be booked by clicking here.

Besides, Wizz Air has recently increased frequencies on all 21 existing routes from Bucharest, as well as from other Romanian cities.

Leipzig is famous for its musical heritage and boasts stunning architecture, historic churches, and a vibrant arts scene. The city also offers green spaces, a renowned zoo, and a diverse culinary scene.

You may also heck out here all available Wizz Air flights (prices starting from EUR 24.99).

Wizz Air has one of the youngest fleet in Europe (average age of the airplanes is 5,2 years) and serves 190 airports in 51 countries.

Picture courtesy of Wizz Air Hungary


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